Ann Arbor Body & Mind
Growth through Neuro-movement®
Feel. Move. Thrive.
The Anat Baniel Method is an evolution of the Feldenkrais Method
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What People are Saying
"The human body is the best work of art" - Jess C. Scott
Since starting ABM one year ago in August 2016, we have noticed so many positive changes in Luke. He started out unable to roll or move his body the way he wanted to. After 3 months, he was rolling consistently for mobility and fun. Other major changes have been better mouth movement and ability to swallow, a calmer demeanor, better listening and attention span, increased movement and functional use of his hands, all in addition to an overall awareness we hadn’t seen before.
Jan is able to connect with Luke and show him ways to use his body in ways we didn’t know would be possible for him. He is a completely different child from when we started, and he continues to change and develop more with each visit. Alyson and Lance (parents of Luke)
This is a different way of thinking put to use for an aching body. I especially benefitted from my ability to get up from a chair easily and have taught this to my husband! I really enjoy this class - bending, moving and the instructor. - Marge from Chair TML Class
As I take these classes I notice that I'm able to move my head much more freely (as when I'm driving). - Kate from Chair TML class.

Lisa Pearson Mother of daughter with CP
A recommendation by a family member connected me to Jan. I had not heard of the Anat Baniel Method (ABM) but was quickly intrigued after reading the first few chapters of "Kids Beyond Limits". After my daughters second session with Jan, I noticed that she was balancing her body while sitting, something she has always had trouble doing. This method, through the slow, gentle movements while done using Anats "nine essentials" is restructuring and generating new brain connections in my daughter. Grace is sitting straighter, using her hands more effictively, and is self motivated to do math games on her iPad (she has always resisted doing math). She loves Jan and looks forward to their time together. I find Jan to be highly ethical, warm, an easily connecting person who is passionate about making significant changes in children with dissabilities.

Cynthia Student in Chair TML Class
I first heard about a try-it-out session for Transformational Movement Lessons at a Yoga class at our local Wellness Center. I had recently been in an auto accident and had hurt my neck. The yoga instructructor described the class as something that would be beneficial for people who have neck or back problems. My neck, back and arm hurt so badly I decided to go to the class. After one lesson I couldn't believe the difference this lesson made in my ability to turn my head.
I joined the chair TML class. Jan proved to be a gentle, thoughtful, and positive instructor. I looked forward to going to the class and continued to experience a profound difference in how I felt after class. I felt taller, lighter and more positive. One day I had to actually adjust the mirror in my car because it was in the wrong position - I was sitting up so much taller! After another class I literally felt that my breath felt fuller, and that I could take in more air and breathe more easily. I continued to experience improved mobility, especially in my ability to turn my head and neck to look behind me. As for my neck injury from the auto accident, the pain, numbness and tingling continued to diminish and finally disappear by the end of the 8 week course.
I highly recommend this TML course, even if one does not have a pressing health issue. Merely experiencing increased energy, lightness and mobility made the class worth taking!
Donna - Student in Transformational Movement Mat Class
In 2012, I had a stroke, which left my body and mind compromised. My cardiologist and pulmonologist had done their jobs. It was time for me to do mine. I decided to take a class in Transformational Movement. Wow, what a life changer. From the first class I knew this would be good for me. The gentle, unusual movements seemed to reopen blocked brain channels. My balance and memory continuously improved, but best of all my breathing changed. I could take a deep breath. My oxygen level jumped from 92% to 98%. My doctors were and still are surprised. Jan Sevde, the instructor, has my best interest at heart. She checks on my well being and makes suggestions to not exert, to imagine doing what I cannot physically do, to rest, and be gentle on myself. I’ve just begun my second year in Transformational Movement and after 3 classes my oxygen level moved to 99%.